Vol. 7 NO. 16 & 17 Winter 2021

Kateb Quartery, Scientific – Research Journal

The sixteenth and seventeenth edition of Kateb Scietific Research Quarterly with a focus on Economics and Management was published.

Following is he list of of research titles and authors:

Authors Title
Hassan Rohani Introduction
Hassan Rohani, Tayeba Hashimi, Hamida Rezaei The Impact of the Exchange Rate on Afghanistan’s Trade with Major Trading Partners
Amna Akhlaqi, Teyaba Hashimi, Mohammad Mozafari, Sayed Mostafa Saberi, Najibullah Arshad Measuring Multidimensional Poverty in Kabul
Mohammad Ghafari Fard, Mohsin Zangana, Hosna Mohammadi The effect of Human Capital on the GDP of ECO Member Countries with focus on Human Development Index: Panel Data Approaches (2015-2015)
Mohammad Anvar Panahi Investigating the Factors Affecting Investment in Afghanistan’s Agriculture Sector
Mohammad Ibrahim Akbari, Mohammad Ghafari Fard Investigating the role of monetary policy on Afghanistan’s economic growth using the vector auto regression
Hassan Rohani, Ahmad Mohammadi, Hamida Rezaei Investigating the Impact of Economic Participation Rate and Women’s Education on Economic Growth in (2002-2017) Case Study: South Asian Countries
Reza Safari, Karima Gholami, Kobra Tawasoli Identifying and Investigating the Factors Affecting Afghanistan’s Stone Industry (Case Study: Marble Sector)
Akram Hadizadah, Samira Taklo, Mansoora Ansari The Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance Evaluation Using (EFQM) Excellence Model (Case study: Kabul University’s staff – Afghanistan)
Naveed Ahmad Saleem, Mahdi Hodadzada, Sayed Hossain Reza Alemi The Effect of TV Advertisements on Customers’ Buying Behavior. (Case study: Azizi Bank)


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