Vol. 6 NO.13 Summer 2020

Kateb Quartery, Scientific – Research Journal

The fourteenth thirteenth edition of Kateb Scietific Research Quarterly with a focus on Economic and Management was published.

Following is he list of of research titles and authors:

Author Title
Hassan Rohani Introduction
Hassan Rohani, Ahmad Mohammaqi, Tayeba Hashimi Estimating the Production Gap and Examining the Factors Affecting it in Afghan Economy During 2008-2017
Najibullah Arshad, Mohammad Hassan Hassani The Impact of Uncertainty Money Growth on the Economic Growth of South Asian Countries from 2004 to 2016
Mohammad Ghafari Fard, Mohammad Ibrahim Akbari Investigating the Impact of Inflation on Afghanistan’s Gross Domestic Product Using Auto Regression Vector Model
Tayeba Hashimi Investigating the Impact of Investment in Education on Economic Growth. Case Study: Selected South Asian Countries
Najibullah Arshad, Narjis Zafari, Malika Mohammadi The Impact of E-Commerce on the Economic Growth of Selected Asian Countries during 2010-2017.
Ahmad Mohammadi, Mostafa Jafari Investigating the Impact of International Migration, Immigration and Human Development Index on Economic Growth. Case Study of Afghanistan
Akbar Bahmani Chobdasti, Ali Fetri, Mohammad Rozi Pedram Investigating the Effect of Dimensions of Organizational Justice on Job Satisfaction. Case study: Kabul Municipality
Baqir Rezaei, Nilab nabiyar Investigating the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Defense Mechanisms in Employees of Shahid Rabbani University in 2009
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