Another Achievement by Kateb Research Center! An article by Dr. Mohammad Mostafa Moheqi, Professor at Law...
Another achievement by Kateb University! Two articles by Mr. Zahir e, professor at Computer Science and...
The Research Center of Kateb University held a webinar on “Role of Research in Achieving...
On January 23, 2021, the student seminar was held on "COVID-19 Situation in Afghanistan" by...
Another Achievement by Kateb Unievrsity! Lecture books entitled "Pediatric 1" and "Pediatric 2" was published by...
The scientific article by Professor Zahir Rezayee, Lecturer at Computer Science and Engineering Faculty and...
The scientific article by Dr. Mostafa Moheqi, Professor at Law and Political Science Faculty was...
Workshop on “Introduction to the infrastructure and services of digital and electronic libraries” on Monday...
Webinar on “Hemophilia and Thalassemia: Challenges and Measurements” were held on Sunday January 18, 2020...
Seminar on “Transport Management” was held on January 14, 2021 by Engineering Department in collaboration...
Celebrating the week of history and anniversary of Faiz Mohammad Kateb, a webinar entitled “Founding...
The Hajj and COVID-19: How the Pandemic a Another Achievement by Kateb University! The ninth research article...