Webinar on “Role of Research Center in Achieving University’s Excellence”

The Research Center of Kateb University held a webinar on “Role of Research in Achieving University’s Excellence” on January 21, 2021.
The webinar was opened by Dr. Attuallah Ahmadi, the associate researcher of Medical Research Center of Kateb University and also the GHF research Director for Asia who welcomed and introduced himself and his colleagues to all participants.
Then, Dr. Sayed Hamid Mousavi, director of the Research Center of Kateb University gave a brief overview on Kateb university’s research activities and the role of universities in giving high prestige to the research.
In the following, Dr. Don Prisno acknowledged Kateb University for inviting him to the webinar as a guest speaker. He began talking about what makes a university achieve top ranks. Then, he delivered a presentation on how universities can adopt certain qualities and criteria to achieve higher standards. Of the criteria and indicators, he extensively highlighted research development. To work on research development, he gave various examples on designing a good research project and getting research grants. Finally, he appreciated Kateb University for working in the field of research development in Afghanistan and showed his interest in working with Kateb University on various research activities.
After the presentation, the webinar was continued with the questions of the participants and Prof. Don provided comprehensive responses to all the questions.
The webinar was concluded with a brief overview and key points of the topics discussed during the webinar by Mr. Yasir Essar, the associate researcher of the Medical Research Center at Kateb University.
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