The Student Seminar was held on “COVID-19 Situation in Afghanistan”

On January 23, 2021, the student seminar was held on “COVID-19 Situation in Afghanistan” by Kateb Research Center and Kateb Medicine Faculty. This seminar was presented by Mr. Sayed Ibrahim Arman, student of Medicine Faculty at Kateb University under the supervision of Dr. Abbas Ali Ramozi, Dean of Medicine Faculty through Zoom Conferencing Software.

In this seminar, Mr. Arman talked briefly about the COVID-19, its history, its structure, ways of transpiring this virus, the ways of diagnosing this virus, the most common symptoms of the virus, ways of preventing the virus, and the discovery of Corona Vaccine and its effective period.

Beside, his seminar was focused on the political claim about this virus. He said that many countries believe that this virus is a man-made virus. Afterward, he highlighted that whether COVID-19 pass to babies during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

At last, he talked about the situation of COIVD-19 in Afghanistan, the medical facilities in Afghanistan, the reasons that why people in Afghanistan do not follow the instruction and the latest counting of COVID-19 in Afghanistan.

The seminar was ended with Q&A session by the participants and presenter.

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