The first ISI Article in the field of Sociology was Published by Mr. Morteza Mandagar.

Another Achievement by Kateb Research Center!

The first ISI article in the field of Sociology entitled “Nationalism and transnationalism? Afghan nationalism and Pan-Islamism in Seraj-ul Akhbar” was published by Mr. Morteza Mandagar, a research professor at Kateb Research Center.

It is worth mentioning that this article was published in the journal of “Middle Eastern Studies” with the affiliation of Kateb University.


Relations between religion and nationalism, as two identity forms, have been debated in Muslim countries, especially where the nationalist trends coincided with the rise of religious reformation and Pan-Islamic movements. This article scrutinizes discourses on linking a transnational ideology of Pan-Islamism with Afghan nationalism in an early twentieth-century nationalist newspaper, Seraj-ul Akhbar. The newspaper presents a unique case for this study since it was a platform for the dissemination of both ideologies simultaneously. Unlike the later Muslim Brotherhood intellectuals and Muhammad Iqbal, Seraj-ul Akhbar authors did not see a contradiction between Pan-Islamism and territorial nationalism. They formulated a universal Muslim unity going through the national state structure, but not bypassing them. Meanwhile, Seraj-ul Akhbar appropriated the religious language for strengthening national unity. In this way, nationalistic and Pan-Islamic concepts were used to craft a nationally stable identity. It is argued that Pan-Islamism is not a unitary universal transnational ideology, rather it is often embedded in different national, language, and ethnic boundaries.

Interested people can find the article at this link.

Moreover, the first 50 articles are available at this link.


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