Publication of Fifth Scientific Article in the field of Engineering!

To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities – in Afghanistan, Engineering Department in collaboration with Research Center at Kateb University published the fifth scientific article in the field of engineering.

A scientific article entitled “Deterministic and Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis of Petroleum Storage of Sabzevar” was published in the international prestigious journal of “The Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering”.

Article’s Abstract:

Failure of appropriate resource structures for petroleum products located close to residential areas has irreparable financial and fatal consequences. Thus, a seismic hazard analysis in estimating strong ground motions seems essential for constructing or improving such structures. For this purpose, firstly, by using the deterministic method and empirical equations of the largest earthquake likely to occur, the result of active faults activity was determined using attenuation equations via an appropriate logic tree, and the maximum horizontal and vertical acceleration component was calculated based on two types of soil. The first type of soil matches types I and II, and the second type matches III and IV, from standard No.2800. Then, to analyze the potential hazard, we define the seismic sources, seismic parameters, rupture parameters, and the attenuation equations with the same logic tree using SeisRisk III software, plus the maximum vertical and horizontal acceleration component, based on the two identical types of soil. Subsequently, the seismic improvement regulation of structures (360 magazine) for the second level hazard was calculated and finally compared with the results of the deterministic analysis. Results indicated that the acceleration component in the deterministic method presents a higher amount than the probable method. As a result, probable methods can be used instead of a deterministic method proving far more economical.

Interested people can find the article here.

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