101st Scientific Article was Published in the Journal of “PAMJ-One Health”.

Scientific article entitled “Current COVID-19 situation in Palestine” was published by Dr. Mohammad Yasir Essar, a researcher at Kateb Research Center, in the prestigious journal of “PAMJ-One Health” with the affiliation of Kateb University.

Article’s Abstract:

Although authorities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are following a strict management approach to control COVID-19, their plans are still non consolidated. Yet, further coordinated efforts such as testing, tracing, public engagement, socioeconomic support packages are required for more efficient COVID-19 preparedness and response in Palestine. A more concise and unified response plan with a long-term vision including a robust exit strategy is essential for effectively combating the pandemic in Palestine. The response plan should include strategic directions; increased financial investments and efforts in strengthening the public health system´s governance, capacity, and health research and surveillance. Although life has returned to normal, the people have become more educated about the dangers of the disease and they become committed to the preventive protocols. Despite challenges, Palestinians have managed to maintain a basic level of healthcare that can be built upon with the support of the international community.

Interested people can find the article here.

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