Volumes 4, No. 4, Spring 2017

Kateb Quarterly, Scientific and Research Journal

Vol. 4, No. 4

The Kateb Quarterly Scientific and Research Journal was released in () and covers a total of 6 topics. The research are authored and co-authored by KU Faculties and the Research Department.

The list of Research Titles and Authors is as follows:

Title Authors
Evaluation of Export’s Effect on GDP in Selected Developing Countries over Year (2008 – 2013) Mohammad Hashim Kazimi, Najibullah Arshad, Mohammad Yahia Merza
The Effect of Culture on Self-Referent and Other-Referent Memory among Afghan, American and Iranian Students B. Rezaie, J. Hatami, R.K. Nouri, H. Louis, R. Mirzaei, P. Nejat, M. Ghane, A. Moradi
Evaluation of Effective Factors on Economics Growth of Eco Countries Sayed Haron Sadat, Dr. Ali Reza Mohseni, Najibullah Arshad
Studying Costumer Satisfaction of New Kabul Bank (Kabul)- based on SERVQUAL Model Ahmad Haris Farazi (M.A), Dr. Sayed Kazim Hussaini Ph.D., Dr. Sayed Jafar Ahmadi Ph.D.
The Prevalence of Ascariasis among People Visiting some Health Facilities in Kabul City Hamidullah Rashekh, and Rohullah Rezaie
The Relatiopn of Compatibility and Identity Crisis of Afghanistan Immigrant Students Residing in Iran, Isfahan City Khadijeh Mohammadi, Mehdi Eslami Ph.D., Maryam Ghorbani Ph.D

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