Volume 4, No. 6, Autumn 2017

Kateb Quarterly, Scientific and Research Journal

Volume 4, no. 6

The Kateb Quarterly Scientific and Research Journal was released in () and covers a total of 9 topics. The research are authored and co-authored by KU Faculties and the Research Department.

The list of Research Titles and Authors is as follows:

Title Authors
Afghanistan and the 1997 UN Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses: Why does it matter? Mohammad Daud Rezaee
Afghanistan Foreign Policy in the Era of Amanullah Mohammad Akram Arifi
Analysis of Appearance of the Taliban in Afghanistan Based on the Crisis Theory of “Hrair Dekmejian”. Mohammad Reza Samadi, Mujtaba Zurrami, Ghorban Elmi
Karzai’s Foreign Policy Analysis from the Perspective of the Linkage Theory Mohammad Musa Jafari
Study of Relationship between Family Factors and Women Suicidal Thoughts in Kabul Sayed Mohammad Ali Fateh, Sayed Jafar Ahmadi
The Place of Public Diplomacy in Turkish Foreign Policy under the Rajab Tayeb Ardogan Government with an Emphasis on Afghanistan Atiqullah Jafari, Mohammad Musa Jafari
The Principle Non-Use Force in the Method of Dogmatism Mohaghegh Mohammad Taqi,

Sadeqi Anahita

True Nature of the Confession (Action or Legal Event) Mohammad Taqi Manaqebi


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