The Most Influential Factors on Customers’ Satisfaction in Skin & Beauty Clinics

The Most Influential Factors on Customers’ Satisfaction in Skin & Beauty Clinics


Narjes Zafari, Sara Hasanzadeh, Mojtaba Dadras


 The aim of this study is to determine the most important indicators in skin & beauty clinics which cause satisfaction for customers. There is no research on clearing vagueness of relationship between business performance and customer satisfaction in this industry, especially in private section while according to Ondogan and Benli (2012) people tend to spend more time and money on the cosmetics and beauty services because of the wide range of advertisements. In order to do so, by a comprehensive literature review, twenty significant factors have been nominated through a set of hypotheses. In contrast to antecedent researches, the findings show technical criteria have the most important effect on customer satisfaction because of economic and welfare level and cultural characteristics of Iranians.


Key Words: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, HealthCare

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