Research Council

Kateb Research Council was established to bring positive results for Researches done at Kateb University.

The research council:

  1. Helps the Research Management at Kateb University to evaluate achievements against goals and objectives set for the department.
  2. Finding possible solutions for hurdles faced during implementation of research projects.
  3. Evaluation and providing suggestions regarding problems that the Board of Directors, Chancellor, Deputy of Academics have shared with the Research Management Unit.
  4. Decision making regarding bringing in new research projects from organizations and centers, to Kateb University.
  5. Encouraging Scholars and Researchers for doing more research work and translation and also the publishing of more scientific knowledge.
  6. Planning for capacity building of Kateb University Professors and providing learning and research opportunities for KU Faculty Members.
  7. Evaluation and solution providing regarding translation and improvement of Text-Books.
  8. Monitoring and Reporting to the Chancellors office of quality of research and research activities done by the research team.
  9. Monitoring the Publishing process and progress.

The council is made up of the following committees:

  1. Political Science and Law Department
  2. Computer and Engineering Department
  3. Economics Department
  4. Medical Department
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