Publication of 112th Scientific Article!

In order to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – SDG3: Health and Well-Being -, Kateb Research Center published its one hundred and third scientific article.

The review article by Dr. Abul Qasim Baqeri, lecturer and researcher at Kateb University, entitled “What happens in the top athletes mind? a review study” was published in the prestigious journal of “INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCE RESEARCH, IDEAS AND INNOVATIONS IN TECHNOLOGY”.

The above article, which is a review article, examines the relationship between dopamine levels in athletes’ brains and the use of stroboscope glasses with improving their motor skills. One of the most important aspects of exercise dynamics depends on the athlete’s visual ability, and the athlete tries to increase the coordination between vision and hand and foot movements with more practice. In football, for example, a goalkeeper tries to increase coordination between vision and hand and foot movements.
In this article, with the effective study of more than one hundred related articles, it was shown that dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the basal ganglia of the brain, plays an effective role in creating this connection, and this coordination can be improved by using stroboscope glasses.

interested people can find the article here.

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